Avast, me mateys!
Are you aware there is a new date for the MetroGathering Mega? We will be hoisting sail on Saturday September 14th, 2019 in Waterloo Village. Point yer spyglass to the tides of Social Media and follow our page "MetroGathering" and www.metrogathering.org for updates! Be there or we'll have ye walk the plank! Savvy? My fellow geocachers, with 2018 coming to a close, I thought of a wonderful idea to share those memorable geocaches you found during your wanderings this past year! This way, others may find those geocaches that inspired you! List just your top 5 - include GC number, name, type of cache, where it was located, and why special.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Here is my top 5 (ok 6 - I started this, lol) 1) GC1CYZC - American WWII Aircraft - B29 Super Fortress in Randolph, New Jersey. Puzzle Cache. This was culmination of finding 23 geocaches in the series to find a whopper of an ammo can! Great history on the cache pages! 2) GC2HN2H - Raiders of the Lost Cache in Mannheim, PA Traditional Cache. Probably one of the most favorited geocaches on the east coast. Just plain fun! 3) GC3JAY4 - Tin Man just northeast of Albany, NY. Traditional cache. Great workmanship. Theme geocache. CO a great guy if you meet him. 4) GC6KFT3 - History at the Lenox Library in Lenox, MA. Puzzle Cache. Awesome old, historical library. Fun field puzzle stages inside of the library! 5) GC7B840 - US History: Saratoga Monument & Victory Woods, in Saratoga NY. Virtual cache. National historical monument. One of the tallest obelisks in NE. Lots of history, and park personnel will give you a tour! And you get to climb to the top! 6) GC650VC - Indian Echo Caverns, near Hershey, PA. Earth cache. Privately owned caverns that provide guided tours. Very nice. Especially on a hot summer day! Let us know your list below! Stephan Szardenings RoxburyDevil Check out our new sales listings on eBay. We will be listing Geocoins and other items for sale under our account there.
NNJC eBay listings We have received several emails from members stating they could not log on to the members only area. Several indicated they have been long time members. While this may be the case, the database and website that were on the old server and its hard drives crashed, so all data was lost.
The new website has been up for a couple of years now and we just implemented a Members only section in April of 2016. SO...if you have not registered on this site since April 2016, you will need to Register and create your profile. Any entries WITHOUT a name WILL be deleted. The main server has certain functions we cannot change and it states the name is optional and it will accept it without one, however we will not, so please enter your name or edit it to have your name if you forgot. In the future we will be sweeping the database once a month and deleting those who have not entered a name. Thank you for understanding and your support. NNJC Hi All, this is Mike aka *Triforce*. Have you ever wondered how other geocachers selected their handles? I have. Now some are just a person’s first name, initials, or other hobbies. But others leave you scratching your head. Where did he or she come up with that? I will start with mine. *Triforce*…. where did that name come from you may ask? Well, the story is not that glamorous, but here it is. Back in 2006, a friend at work started geocaching and he started telling me about pieces of Tupperware that he was hiding in the woods (I had no idea what he was talking about). He then asked me to create an account so that I could see his cache pages. As I signed up, it asked me for a user name and email address. At the time, my spam email was my yahoo account, so I decided to use that for both ([email protected]). I logged in once and then forgot about it for years… Seven years later (summer of 2013), my good buddy Joe (JSpeedy) met up with me for lunch and told me about this game called Geocaching and how he found a few just down the block. We decided to take a walk so that I could try for myself. With a little help, I found them both. When I went back to work, I decided to create an account (forgetting I had done so years back). I again used my yahoo account for this and it said that the email address was already in use! I then had it reset my password and my account was active! My handle at that time? Tinobaseball24. At first, I didn’t bother to think hard for a new handle, as I wasn’t sure I would be staying with this hobby. But after going out a few times, I was hooked. At that point, I decided to change my name. I originally wanted to use “triforce” (for my love of the game Legend of Zelda), but unfortunately it was taken. So I decided to merge by old and new names, and that is where “TriforceTino” came from. Last fall, I started to think about my cache handle again. It seemed when people met me, there would be confusion that my name was Tino, and I would have to go into how Tino came into being. So I decided to just shorten it to “*triforce*”. And the rest, as they say, is history! Well, there you have it. Do you have an interesting story on how you selected your geo-handle and wish to share it with the group? Feel free to email me at [email protected], and I will post it here! Cheers, Mike aka tinobaseball24, TriforceTino, *triforce* |
Authors:Contributions are made by NNJC Members. Thank you for your creativity and input. Archives
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